Inspiring Ideas and Research
If you have never had Acupuncture, you are in for an amazing and yet common sense experience. Almost everyone who has tried acupuncture recommends it as an effective therapy to their friends and family. In this article I am going to shed some light on the provable medical benefits of acupuncture and some less scientific […]
Acupuncture is a medical procedure that involves the insertion of very fine needles into the skin and muscles. I recommended that you wear loose fitting clothes or a bring bathing suit to a treatment. It is also recommended that you go to the washroom previous to your appointment. I do not recommended being under the […]
This is a beautiful analogy that is commonly used in Eastern literature and Indigenous Traditions to describe a calm and quiet Mind. Imagine a pond or a small lake at sunrise, the surface is so calm that the cloud and passing birds are reflected as if by a mirror. In this place of Mind, your reality […]
As it turns out, mayonnaise is actually a good source of healthy fats. That may sound crazy but look at what it is made of. Mayonnaise is made from an uncooked egg yolk, some lightly flavored olive oil, grape seed oil or avocado oil, some mustard, red wine or apple cider vinegar, lime juice and […]
In my opinion as a full time clinician, cholesterol is easily the most misunderstood and poorly managed aspect of medicine today. Strong words, I know. Understanding cholesterol could save your life, just not the way you might initially think. The alternative to understanding cholesterol and health is the risk of being put on pharmaceutical drugs […]
Leptin Resistance Obesity is an epidemic in the modern world. Our Feasting lifestyle has proven to be very dangerous. In some wealthy countries, half of the people are obese. In these countries there are diet fads and industries making billions of dollars selling calorie restrictive meal plans, or extreme exercise plans or both. If these […]
Evolution and Your Metabolism So, lets go back in time to what our ancestors were up to, most of the year, for the last two or three million years. If we were particularly successful we could predictably forage for most of the year, feast as much as necessary to prepare for winter and a hungry […]
Actual Calorie Accounting Restricting calories can be very dangerous for some people. Let’s say you decide to restrict you calories to 1500 per day and your bodies tissues need 2500 per day to survive. You are not technically starving but some of your tissue cannot survive. If your metabolism is very healthy and you are […]
Over half of the people living in modern society, at some point in their lives, will face the “battle of the bulge”. For many, it is a daily war that is waged in confusion with a lot of misinformation. For some of us, slimming down is something we do just a few weeks before a […]