Acupuncture is one of the oldest and most effective medical procedures still practiced on Earth!
For thousands of years, people have been stimulating circulation, relieving acute and chronic pain, stabilizing metabolic disorders, invigorating the immune system as well as improving sleep, and digestion with Acupuncture.
It may seem hard to believe that inserting very fine needles into your skin can do so much for your health, but leading-edge scientific research confirms that Acupuncture is effective. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recognized Acupuncture as an effective form of treatment for pain, allergies, asthma, eczema, insomnia, anxiety, depression, IBS, Migraines and 150 other conditions.
I have practiced Acupuncture for over 20 years and can say with confidence that it is a VERY effective form of treatment, especially for many of the chronic illnesses that we face today.
At present most extended health plans cover acupuncture treatments completely or to some degree.
Clinical Fees:
Initial Assessment, Consultation and Treatment: (2 hours) – $150.00
(this includes nutritional and supplemental guidance and prescriptions for any needed Chinese herbal supplements)