
Welcome to Integrative Health Solutions

In my practice, I primarily focus on helping people suffering from complex, chronic, degenerative and autoimmune diseases.
As a clinician, I apply a combination of Functional Medicine and Evolutionary Nutrition, with the wisdom and vast experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).  This combination of healing traditions helps me understand and respond to some of today’s most complex health challenges in a very comprehensive and effective way. Each of these healing modalities focuses on treating the ‘why’ more than the ‘what’.

  • Chinese Medicine assesses and restores the proper interaction of all of the organs and systems in your body.
  • Evolutionary or Ancestral Nutrition has clearly shown that eating the ‘old way’ can reverse a long list of modern ailments.
  • Functional Medicine is like Chinese Medicine with a microscope. With the availability of comprehensive and leading edge lab testing, your ability to be certain you are investing in exactly what your metabolism needs right now.

As a patient, I have spent the last 25 years living with Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Insomnia. I have tried everything that is out there and can say from many years of trial and error that recovering from chronic illness is a lifestyle of its own. Diet, exercise, supplements, stress reduction, rest, sleep and human connection are vital to health and even more necessary when recovering from a chronic disease.

Welcome to Integrative Health Solutions

(welcome to my clinic  and virtual practice- Video) – coming soon

What is Autoimmunity?

Are you on the Autoimmune spectrum?

What to Expect if You are Recently Diagnosed?

The more creative and adaptable you are, the faster you will heal. (Make a Menu)
Youtube Playlists could help you be more adaptable. We all need mentors!
The more complex and chronic the condition(s), the more time and discipline it will take to get well again.

The Ancestral Autoimmune Protocol – Diet Overview

Regaining your fitness and health, when science says that you will be weak sick and in pain the rest of your life, is possible. I have been in practice for over 20 years and have seen hundreds of people completely change their lifestyles and recover from diseases that some would say are untreatable.
The Word Doctor Actually Means Teacher.
If you feel ready to commit to a comprehensive detoxification, rejuvenation and weight loss program I offer a seasonal health challenge program twice a year. Check it out here.
If you are looking for support with healthy eating I wrote a book about it. It is called Returning to an Ancestral Diet
Check out the Blog for informative and inspiring articles about health and the challenges we all face on a healing journey.
If you need more direct and personal support I offer support through Skype and by phone.
If you are looking for some guidance on stress reduction I offer an online course in Qi Gong (Chi Kung) and Meditation. Qi Gong is a Daoist form of Yoga.

Michael Smith, Dr.TCM, FDN
Your 'Go-To' Health Detective.

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