Chinese medicine is mostly interested in the balance between the most influential processes and systems in your body.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has evolved for over 5000 years, unraveling the mysteries between human health and the Natural World.
When you look at your health through the lens of Nature, you will quickly recognize the Yin and Yang of how everything works together. Chinese medicine is primarily interested in the balance between the most influential processes and systems in your body. In Chinese medicine, just like in the Natual World, everything is connected and needs to move through natural cycles.
With the use of medicinal herbs, diet, and many subtle therapies you can stabilize your metabolism, balancing your essential Sympathetic (fight or flight) and Para-Sympathetic (Rest and Digest) systems, stimulate your internal organs, improve fertility and libido, balance hormonal health, improving your digestion and support the proper detoxification of your whole body.
There are several hundred medicinal herbs, roots, berries and other naturally occurring substances in the apothecary of Chinese medicine. Each of these medicines contains measurable amounts of alkaloids, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and/or anti-parasitic substances. All of these substances can have positive effects on human health when used properly and in appropriate combinations. Modern science has researched and proved the validity of the knowledge gained over thousands of years of traditional wisdom and experience.
Clinical Fees:
Initial Assessment, Consultation, and Treatment: (2 hours) – $150.00
(this includes acupuncture, nutritional and supplemental guidance and prescriptions for any needed Chinese herbal supplements)
Regular follow-up Herbal medicine consultations: (20 minutes) – $40.00
To learn more about Traditional Chinese Medicine, please enjoy the following articles: